
**Melodi Soak Off Gel 基礎產品介紹** (+示範影片)

Melodi Gel Nail革新推出如傳統甲油般易塗易上色的Soak Off Gel,只需加入一個照燈步驟即可擁有尤如美甲店做甲般的效果, 既省錢又不減美麗!!
以下逐一介紹Melodi Soak Off Gel 的基礎產品:
Melodi 消毒黏合劑 (Prep Max Adhesion Sanitizer)
顧名思義,Melodi 消毒黏合劑的主要作用就是消毒和黏合。
平時久不久就會聽到有人因為做Gel甲而患上了灰甲,其中最大的感染途徑是美甲店,另外就是交通工具及與人的接觸,前者可以避免,但後者則很避無可避,我們可以做的就是注意衛生。即使在家做Gel甲,我們亦建議客人要做三重清潔消毒: 1) 以皂液清潔雙手並徹底沖洗乾淨; 2) 抺乾雙手後以Gel Cleanser再次清潔個甲面; 3) 最後塗上消毒黏合劑做最終的消毒去霉。
 除了消毒功能外,Prep的另一主要任務就是提高Base gel與甲面之間的黏合度,防止Gel的邊緣位置翹起。
 Melodi消毒黏合劑並不需要照燈,只需在上Base Gel之前薄薄塗上一層在甲面即可。

Melodi 造型底層啫喱 (Base Gel)

Melodi 耀眼面層啫喱 (Gloss Top Coat)

 Melodi 啞色面層啫喱 (Matte)

Melodi 夜光面層啫喱 (Luminous)

Melodi 奪目彩色啫喱 (Color Gel)
Melodi Int. Ltd. 與法國廠家研究目前最受歡迎的指甲色彩,精心調配甲油色調,頭炮便以200款基礎色力壓各牌,而且顏色款款出眾,優質法國原料,完全沒有難上色的問題,簡單兩層便已能完美顯出理想色彩,而且15ml的份量,足夠混色、畫花等創作使用。

Melodi 潔甲液 (Gel Cleanser)

以下有Melodi Int. Ltd. 製作的Soak Off Gel基礎使用教學影片,希望大家喜歡https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UookaocR3F8
Melodi Gel NailMelodi International Limited公司至力推出的革命性Soak Off Gel產品。
Melodi Gel Nail擁有目前Soak Off Gel最新最好的技術法國源料保證完美200只需30分鐘你也可以在家輕鬆完成DIY Gel!

下一篇將會紹Melodi Gel Nail的套裝產品。
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**Melodi Soak Off Gel Basic & Feature Products** (with video)

**Melodi Soak Off Gel Basic & Feature Products** (with video)

 Melodi Prep Max Adhesion Sanitizer

Melodi Pre Max Adhesion Sanitizer
It aims to clean and dehydrate the nail surface prior to apply base coat. This is an important step either you do your gel nail in salon or at home.

Furthermore, it increases the effective bonding between the base gel and the nail surface, preventing the chips, cracks and bubbling. And, it needs not any light cure, you can apply basic gel after it.

Melodi Base Gel

A structural base coat gel that assures lasting adhesion of the color to eliminate chipping or peeling from the nail.  To cure, only 30-45 seconds is needed for LED lamp. (2-3 mintues if UV light).

Melodi Gloss Top Coat

A super glossy, brilliance and shine finish for your manicure, which is long lasting shine and protect the color from whipping off.

Melodi Matte Top Coat

Commands a second look while at the same time being elegantly understated. This Matte Top Coat has an allure that makes the urge to touch it irresistible and can almost be felt just by looking at it, velvety smooth.

Melodi Luminous Top Coat

Glow In Dark! It is an amazing feature product, which is used independently with color polish. It does not limit or affect any color you applied, but glows in dark! You can do any nail art as usual but apply this luminous top coat instead of glossy top coat, your nails look normal in day time but illuminate at party times!

Melodi Color Gel

By a result of scientific research over the world, Melodi has filtered the 200 most popular nail polish colors as the basic color field.  Which the quality is highly standard that you would be satisfied with only 1-2 layers of color gel application.

Melodi Gel cleanser

It is specially formulated to work with Melodi Gel, which assure a high shine finish without any tacky residue or without drying to the skin. And, the pumping cap is specially designed which is convenient for one-hand operation.

It is the first tutorial we produced to introduce our basic set: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UookaocR3F8

Our website: www.melodi-nail.com

You can also find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/melodi.nail

Like our Fan Page if you want to know our latest news, and it will be a great support to us! Thank you!


**Melodi Soak Off Gel**

Are you still wasting time to wait the nail polish dry?
Are you angry when your “just- finished” nail polish is chipped?
Are you still spending money to do simple gel nail in salon?
Are you still taking risk to be infected in nail salon?
Have your nails ever been hurt by unprofessional nail artist?

Melodi International Limited has officially launched their brand of the now famous LED/UV manicures!

Melodi Soak Off Gel is as easy as 1,2,3 to apply and it is just as easy to take off.
There are a total of 200 basic Gel colors available for application. This number will definitely increase as Melodi adds more famous color selection to this manicure system.

Melodi Soak Off Gel has put efforts in studying the color materials used and you will find that when you compare Melodi Soak Off gel vs OPI or Shellac or more (etc.), you are going to be 100% satisfied with our results.

Soak Off Gel by Melodi is a Ultraviolet manicure system that allows your nails to stay healthy and strong while maintaining the chic shine of a salon service. You no longer have to settle for harmful salon services.

Melodi Soak Off Gel goes on like polish, cures in 30 seconds, and lasts for weeks. With gel colors you are sure to fail in love with your nails again! And you won’t have to worry about damaging them. Another great thing about this amazing products is that you can BUY MELODI SOAK OFF GEL ONLINE!

What Exactly Does MELODI SOAK OFF GEL Have To Provide You?

You will find a couple of great features with this fresh MELODI service.
1)      The brand new system give a superb group of colors. MELODI Gelcolor at present is supplied in two-hundred diverse colors. These two hundred color selections are not merely typical colors. These are shades that 1000s of ladies have begun to enjoy by MELODI. MELODI has included a number of their most in-demand shades into this product line.

2)      The polish brushes on just like regular polish and is removed as quickly. Even though the UV manicure product behaves similar to a gel by keeping hard and avoiding deterioration is also provides capabilities of typical polish. It’s remarkably easy to be applied, just like normal polish. It is actually put on with the nail brush which is mounted on the polish bottle, much like common nail polish. With regards to taking it off there is utterly absolutely no filing required. Let’s say simply that MELODI Gel offers the best qualities of gel along with the best qualities of polish into 1 bottle.

3)      MELODI Gel color holds up on your fingernails for weeks. It will not only last but it glows, guards, and looks extremely stunning. With this particular Ultraviolet manicure you don’t have to be concerned with chips, cracks and bubbling. You get the picture. It is excellent!

4)      MELODI Gel color cures rapidly. Various ultraviolet nail products are a little too consuming in terms of curing under a UV light. MELODI’s Ultraviolet manicure takes 30 seconds to treat between layers, this is really fast. Not merely is it quick but the dry time is zero. After getting cured the fingernails are dry and good to go. You could put your hand in your bag to try to look for car keys without needing to bother about chips, breaks, or even smudges.

5)      MELODI Soak Off Gel is available be cured under both UV or LED lamp, which you could avoid any risk in tanned, premature aging, spots, etc.

Our website: www.melodi-nail.com

You can also find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/melodi.nail

Like our Fan Page if you want to know our latest news, and it will be a great support to us! Thank you!


Soak Off Gel與傳統指甲油有什麼分別?

你還在花幾百塊做一次gel 甲嗎?

Melodi Gel Nail革新推出如傳統甲油般易塗易上色的Soak Off Gel, 只需加入一個照燈步驟, 以上煩惱通通消失!!

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因此,後來亦出現種種水性的指甲油, 聲稱沒有任何有害物質。可惜水性指甲油就是不熟水性,遇水即溶, 如果全天候使用冷水, 還算可以勉強堅持到幾天, 可是一洗澡遇到溫水時, 便溶得體無完膚……


傳統Gel甲是指硬Gel, 原本是用在醫學方面, 用以矯正手指甲變型或有毛病的人,後來愛美的人發現硬Gel不單只令甲型變美, 更可以於Gel上加工、塗畫, 變成漂亮的花甲, 從而帶起了美甲潮。

不過硬Gel由於原意並不是美甲, 使用的物質並沒有預算到愛美人仕不斷打磨換款, 於是, 原本待病人指甲復原後物理性磨掉的步驟套用到不斷換款的美甲習慣時, 反而諷刺地容易令指甲變薄, 出現指甲過軟、易反、易裂, 甚至因而容易患上灰甲等問題。


由於近代科技發展迅速, 美甲產品推出得很快, 種類既多且雜而性質又相似, 只能概括歸類為軟Gel Soak Off Gel是品前最新、發展得最穩定的軟Gel技術, 不用打磨, 不含有害物, 是同時能夠保留硬Gel的優點而不用打磨卸甲, 兼擁有傳統甲油的多色及易塗性。

現在Soak Off Gel的產品已漸漸家用化, 甚至由UV燈改進至LED, 不論價錢、安全、耐用度都非常合理, DIY做花甲的飾物、工具也越來越多, 要美甲已不一定要到美甲店了!

Melodi Gel NailMelodi International Limited公司至力推出的革命性Soak Off Gel產品。

Melodi Gel Nail擁有目前Soak Off Gel最新最好的技術, 法國源料保證, 完美200, 只需30分鐘, 你也可以在家輕鬆完成DIY Gel!

詳情請到: www.melodi-nail.com

下一篇將會逐一介紹Melodi Gel Nail的基礎產品。

如果你喜歡我們, 又想知道我們最新的產品消息, 請到我們的facebook Fanpage給我們一個讚! 你的支持將會是我們無限的動力來源! 謝謝!