
Melodi Nail #13 Gradient Nail|漸變色啫喱甲+星空貼

Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/melodi.nail/
Website: www.melodi-nail.com

The materials used in the video are: Melodi Nail 4 Way Clear Gel, Iro Gel A-1 & D-7, Nail Foil and Nail Foil Adhesive.
影片中的材料使用有:Iro Gel A-1 & D-7, Melodi Nail 多功能透明膠,星空指甲貼,星空貼紙專用膠水。

You can find all the materials in Melodi Nail Online store at: www.melodi-nail.com
全都可以在Melodi Nail Online Shop找到喔!

We are the only distributor of LOAVE NAIL in HK and we do ship worldwide.
我們是日本LOAVE NAIL品牌的代理商。

LOAVE NAIL is a very young brand in Japan raised in 2008. It has became the first 3 ranking in Japan and kept for 6 years. They have designed a new package for the gel recently and re-named as Iro Gel. Besides, they have updated their no. of colour gel from 96 to 173.
LOAVE NAIL於2008年面世,於數年間極速成為日本最暢銷的入屋美甲品牌之一,連續6年躋身三甲,以優質安全見稱。目前LOAVE NAIL已推出173色,足夠做出各式各樣的花甲圖案。

If you have any questions, please feel free to inbox or email us, we may answer it in our next video.

Beside, we are going to organise nail art workshop, please pay attention to our Facebook FanPage Announcement.
另外,我們即將開設美甲教室Workshop真人授課, 緊記密切留意我們網站或FB專頁的消息喔!

Thanks for your support!

